Stemless gentian (trumpet gentian)
Trumpet gentian "Blue Velvet" (Stemless gentian) - Gentiana acaulis = Gentiana kochiana.
Groundcover, evergreen perennial of the Gentianaceae family.
Origin: Southern European mountainous regions, the Alps, northeastern Spain and western Russia (rocky areas, acidic meadows, and swamps).
Height of flowering plant: 5-10 cm.
Flower colour: dark blue (6-7 cm).
Foliage: lanceolate to elliptical, 3-5 cm long.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z6.
Soil requirements: well-drained, rich in humus, fertile.
Gentiana acaulis forms very beautiful "pillows" up to 30 cm.
Gentiana acaulis is very similar and is used in the same way as closely related species: Gentiana alpina, Gentiana angustifolia, Gentiana clusii, Gentiana dinarica, Gentiana ligustica and Gentiana occidentalis.
An excellent plant for a rock garden, a good potted plant for growing on a peat-gravel substrate with the addition of loose humus clay. It has medicinal properties. It stands well when cut. Gentian is used in group plantings near paths, on rocky hills, in border planting. Gentian can be planted as a solid carpet, and its blue color is simply unique!
1,0 g = 2500 seeds.
Gentiana prefers partial shade. The plant develops better on rocky, clay-humus soil. The easiest way to get quality plants is to sow seeds in open ground before winter.
The soil should be well sifted and leveled, especially for sowing small seeds. With such "natural" sowing, the seeds receive freezing, stratification, lighting, and treatment with fluctuating temperatures, which is also very important because it makes it possible for each seed to choose the mode it needs.
However, even in this case, it happens that some of the seeds sprout, and some remain "at rest" until the next year. If the seeds are purchased in winter-spring, then before planting in open ground, you can sow them in boxes or pots, placing them between window frames (unless, of course, the temperature there does not exceed +7 ° C).
The bushes are divided in spring or early autumn. Transplantation is done by digging up the plant with a lump of earth, with abundant watering. The planting distance is 15-30 cm.

Stemless gentian, trumpet gentian. Bot. syn.: Gentiana kochiana Perr., Gentiana excisa C.Presl.
Groundcover, evergreen perennial of the Gentianaceae family.
Origin: Southern European mountainous regions, the Alps, northeastern Spain and western Russia (rocky areas, acidic meadows, and swamps).
Height of flowering plant: 5-10 cm.
Flower colour: dark blue (6-7 cm).
Foliage: lanceolate to elliptical, 3-5 cm long.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z6.
Soil requirements: well-drained, rich in humus, fertile.
Gentiana acaulis forms very beautiful "pillows" up to 30 cm.
Gentiana acaulis is very similar and is used in the same way as closely related species: Gentiana alpina, Gentiana angustifolia, Gentiana clusii, Gentiana dinarica, Gentiana ligustica and Gentiana occidentalis.
An excellent plant for a rock garden, a good potted plant for growing on a peat-gravel substrate with the addition of loose humus clay. It has medicinal properties. It stands well when cut. Gentian is used in group plantings near paths, on rocky hills, in border planting. Gentian can be planted as a solid carpet, and its blue color is simply unique!
1,0 g = 2500 seeds.
Gentiana prefers partial shade. The plant develops better on rocky, clay-humus soil. The easiest way to get quality plants is to sow seeds in open ground before winter.
The soil should be well sifted and leveled, especially for sowing small seeds. With such "natural" sowing, the seeds receive freezing, stratification, lighting, and treatment with fluctuating temperatures, which is also very important because it makes it possible for each seed to choose the mode it needs.
However, even in this case, it happens that some of the seeds sprout, and some remain "at rest" until the next year. If the seeds are purchased in winter-spring, then before planting in open ground, you can sow them in boxes or pots, placing them between window frames (unless, of course, the temperature there does not exceed +7 ° C).
The bushes are divided in spring or early autumn. Transplantation is done by digging up the plant with a lump of earth, with abundant watering. The planting distance is 15-30 cm.

Stemless gentian, trumpet gentian. Bot. syn.: Gentiana kochiana Perr., Gentiana excisa C.Presl.